December 6, 2023
This Is TASTE 320: Melissa King & Julius Roberts

Melissa King is a Top Chef icon—but she’s also much more. The champion turned judge is also the host of Tasting Wild, a far-out outdoor cooking show, and she still finds time to be in the kitchen with pop-ups. It’s so fun to have her on the show to talk about cooking with her Top Chef crew, plus career-defining gigs like appearing on Sesame Street and cooking for the Met Gala.
Also on the show Matt has a live interview with British author and TikTok chef Julius Roberts. He’s releasing his debut cookbook, The Farm Table, in February and we were lucky to get a preview at a recent live conversation in New York City. Julius will be back in our studio next year, so let this serve as just the beginning of our interest in this extremely talented and cool star in food.
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Hong Kong Milk Tea Tiramisu [Food & Wine]
Tasting Wild [YouTube]
Leek, Potato and Chorizo Stew [TikTok]
A Lunch With: Julius Roberts [Inigo]